Wasm VS Haxe benchmarks

Current benchmark data was generated on Thu Feb 01 2024, full log can be found HERE


[x86_64][4 cores] AMD EPYC 7763 64-Core Processor (Model 1)

* -m in a file name stands for multi-threading or multi-processing

* -i in a file name stands for direct intrinsics usage. (Usage of simd intrinsics via libraries is not counted)

* -ffi in a file name stands for non-stdlib FFI usage

* (You may find time < time(user) + time(sys) for some non-parallelized programs, the overhead is from GC or JIT compiler, which are allowed to take advantage of multi-cores as that's more close to real-world scenarios.)


Input: 18

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
haxe 1.hx 1346ms 37ms 146.5MB 1547ms 73ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
wasm 3.rs 1832ms 18ms 82.0MB 1817ms 23ms node 18.19.0
wasm 5.rs 1873ms 10ms 65.7MB 1860ms 20ms node 18.19.0
wasm 4.rs 1910ms 6.6ms 34.9MB 1893ms 3ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 3.rs 1959ms 30ms 50.9MB 1923ms 20ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 5.rs 2022ms 10ms 34.9MB 1997ms 3ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 4.rs 2156ms 42ms 66.8MB 2137ms 20ms node 18.19.0
haxe 2.hx 4434ms 13ms 497.6MB 5017ms 237ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx timeout 0.0ms 50.6MB 5550ms 417ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
haxe 2.hx timeout 0.0ms 85.0MB 4997ms 693ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx timeout 0.0ms 52.5MB 7810ms 447ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0
haxe 2.hx timeout 0.0ms 133.0MB 7413ms 843ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0

Input: 15

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
haxe 1.hx 92ms 3.5ms 28.1MB 87ms 10ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
wasm 4.rs 184ms 4.7ms 20.9MB 167ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 3.rs 186ms 4.3ms 22.9MB 167ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 5.rs 194ms 1.5ms 20.9MB 180ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 3.rs 208ms 1.9ms 53.2MB 190ms 23ms node 18.19.0
wasm 5.rs 215ms 1.7ms 53.0MB 210ms 7ms node 18.19.0
wasm 4.rs 252ms 15ms 53.0MB 240ms 13ms node 18.19.0
haxe 2.hx 396ms 10.0ms 60.8MB 427ms 17ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx 640ms 0.3ms 10.9MB 600ms 53ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx 669ms 7.5ms 13.2MB 710ms 63ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0
haxe 2.hx 930ms 4.0ms 15.6MB 810ms 160ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
haxe 2.hx 1114ms 23ms 27.0MB 1120ms 183ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0


Input: 4000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 3.rs 1207ms 4.1ms 55.8MB 1250ms 20ms node 18.19.0
wasm 3.rs 1234ms 9.3ms 21.1MB 1217ms 3ms wasmtime 17.0.0

Input: 1000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 3.rs 89ms 3.1ms 19.7MB 77ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 3.rs 129ms 0.6ms 57.2MB 157ms 23ms node 18.19.0


Input: 250001

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 1.rs 469ms 42ms 20.3MB 453ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 1.rs 481ms 2.2ms 58.4MB 543ms 17ms node 18.19.0

Input: 100000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 1.rs 120ms 0.3ms 19.6MB 103ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 1.rs 176ms 0.9ms 58.2MB 223ms 23ms node 18.19.0


Input: 11

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 1.rs 4176ms 317ms 18.5MB 4160ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 1.rs timeout 0.0ms 50.5MB 4983ms 7ms node 18.19.0

Input: 10

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 1.rs 341ms 5.0ms 18.5MB 330ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 1.rs 654ms 3.7ms 50.4MB 640ms 10ms node 18.19.0


Input: 2500000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 1.rs 295ms 2.8ms 18.8MB 280ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 1.rs 317ms 2.4ms 50.0MB 310ms 7ms node 18.19.0
haxe 1.hx 2368ms 2.5ms 28.3MB 2300ms 187ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx timeout 0.0ms 5.2MB 4343ms 843ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx timeout 0.0ms 5.7MB 4357ms 867ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0

Input: 250000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 1.rs 38ms 0.5ms 18.9MB 23ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 1.rs 67ms 0.8ms 50.5MB 63ms 7ms node 18.19.0
haxe 1.hx 254ms 1.8ms 28.0MB 230ms 23ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx 653ms 1.5ms 5.4MB 547ms 117ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx 673ms 1.7ms 5.8MB 577ms 113ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0


Input: QwQ

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
haxe 1.hx 2.2ms 0.2ms 5.0MB 0ms 0ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx 2.5ms 0.2ms 5.1MB 0ms 0ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx 3.9ms 0.3ms 5.0MB 0ms 0ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0
wasm 1.rs 6.8ms 0.2ms 19.0MB 0ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 1.rs 37ms 0.7ms 48.6MB 24ms 4ms node 18.19.0


Input: 1000 1000000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 1.rs 118ms 1.0ms 19.0MB 107ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
haxe 1.hx 135ms 2.2ms 21.0MB 120ms 0ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx 136ms 1.7ms 5.0MB 127ms 0ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx 155ms 1.2ms 5.7MB 147ms 0ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0
wasm 1.rs 205ms 1.5ms 53.4MB 207ms 10ms node 18.19.0

Input: 1000 3000000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 1.rs 340ms 7.6ms 19.0MB 327ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
haxe 1.hx 382ms 4.8ms 26.0MB 363ms 10ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx 399ms 5.7ms 5.2MB 387ms 0ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx 454ms 3.0ms 5.8MB 437ms 3ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0
wasm 1.rs 534ms 4.6ms 53.3MB 530ms 17ms node 18.19.0

Input: 100 500000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 1.rs 62ms 0.6ms 18.8MB 50ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
haxe 1.hx 64ms 1.6ms 12.9MB 50ms 0ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx 67ms 0.2ms 5.0MB 60ms 0ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx 78ms 1.9ms 5.7MB 67ms 0ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0
wasm 1.rs 120ms 1.4ms 52.2MB 110ms 17ms node 18.19.0


Input: 5000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 8.rs 864ms 2.7ms 21.8MB 850ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 8.rs 1081ms 21ms 54.1MB 1067ms 13ms node 18.19.0

Input: 1000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 8.rs 44ms 0.3ms 18.9MB 37ms 3ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 8.rs 85ms 3.1ms 51.0MB 80ms 3ms node 18.19.0


Input: 17

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
haxe 1.hx 906ms 10ms 97.5MB 993ms 50ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
wasm 1.rs 994ms 15ms 42.9MB 967ms 13ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 1.rs 1049ms 26ms 74.0MB 1027ms 20ms node 18.19.0
haxe 1.hx timeout 0.0ms 34.6MB 4937ms 463ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx timeout 0.0ms 59.1MB 6103ms 520ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0

Input: 15

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
haxe 1.hx 168ms 2.3ms 29.1MB 167ms 10ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
wasm 1.rs 222ms 0.8ms 24.9MB 210ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 1.rs 258ms 2.2ms 55.9MB 243ms 17ms node 18.19.0
haxe 1.hx 1252ms 8.3ms 12.7MB 1177ms 143ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx 1372ms 13ms 22.4MB 1393ms 117ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0


Input: 5000000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 1.rs 448ms 1.3ms 18.8MB 430ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 2.rs 569ms 0.7ms 18.8MB 557ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 1.rs 787ms 145ms 50.0MB 773ms 7ms node 18.19.0
haxe 2.hx 850ms 3.3ms 5.0MB 837ms 0ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
wasm 2.rs 871ms 3.1ms 51.1MB 860ms 7ms node 18.19.0
haxe 1.hx 1043ms 7.8ms 5.0MB 1030ms 0ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
haxe 3.hx 1381ms 4.5ms 28.1MB 1537ms 33ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
haxe 2.hx 2397ms 5.9ms 5.7MB 2383ms 0ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0
haxe 1.hx 2470ms 4.7ms 5.7MB 2457ms 0ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0
haxe 1.hx timeout 0.0ms 4.9MB 4990ms 0ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
haxe 2.hx timeout 0.0ms 4.9MB 4987ms 0ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
haxe 3.hx timeout 0.0ms 5.4MB 3853ms 1630ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
haxe 3.hx timeout 0.0ms 6.0MB 4117ms 1320ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0

Input: 500000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 1.rs 54ms 1.0ms 18.8MB 40ms 3ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 2.rs 66ms 0.7ms 18.8MB 53ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
haxe 2.hx 90ms 1.5ms 5.0MB 80ms 0ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
wasm 1.rs 104ms 2.6ms 50.1MB 93ms 10ms node 18.19.0
haxe 1.hx 108ms 1.2ms 5.0MB 100ms 0ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
wasm 2.rs 122ms 0.7ms 50.8MB 110ms 7ms node 18.19.0
haxe 3.hx 153ms 1.5ms 28.3MB 147ms 10ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
haxe 2.hx 247ms 5.2ms 5.7MB 237ms 0ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0
haxe 1.hx 252ms 1.0ms 5.7MB 240ms 0ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0
haxe 3.hx 677ms 19ms 5.2MB 523ms 200ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
haxe 2.hx 688ms 25ms 5.0MB 680ms 0ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
haxe 3.hx 774ms 2.3ms 5.8MB 640ms 187ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0
haxe 1.hx 807ms 2.8ms 5.0MB 797ms 0ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3


Input: 12

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 2.rs 346ms 3.4ms 23.8MB 337ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 1.rs 515ms 31ms 57.9MB 500ms 3ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 2.rs 589ms 5.8ms 54.8MB 580ms 3ms node 18.19.0
wasm 1.rs 812ms 6.1ms 89.4MB 797ms 17ms node 18.19.0

Input: 10

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 2.rs 90ms 1.5ms 20.0MB 70ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 1.rs 107ms 11ms 28.7MB 90ms 3ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 2.rs 173ms 1.8ms 51.1MB 167ms 0ms node 18.19.0
wasm 1.rs 184ms 0.9ms 59.9MB 160ms 17ms node 18.19.0


Input: 8000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 2.rs 2223ms 3.0ms 19.8MB 2210ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 2.rs 2256ms 1.9ms 56.4MB 2277ms 30ms node 18.19.0

Input: 4000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 2.rs 526ms 0.4ms 18.9MB 507ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 2.rs 567ms 0.1ms 56.3MB 590ms 23ms node 18.19.0


Input: 2000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 1.rs 3531ms 59ms 58.4MB 3590ms 20ms node 18.19.0
wasm 1.rs 3639ms 5.5ms 18.5MB 3623ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0

Input: 500

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 1.rs 923ms 5.6ms 19.0MB 907ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 1.rs 927ms 13ms 58.4MB 977ms 30ms node 18.19.0


Input: 8000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 7.rs 3705ms 9.4ms 49.9MB 3690ms 7ms node 18.19.0
wasm 2.rs 3742ms 13ms 18.3MB 3727ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 2.rs 3746ms 4.9ms 49.7MB 3730ms 7ms node 18.19.0
haxe 1.hx 3903ms 4.9ms 5.3MB 3890ms 0ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
wasm 7.rs 4973ms 5.7ms 18.3MB 4957ms 3ms wasmtime 17.0.0
haxe 1.hx timeout 0.0ms 7.4MB 4987ms 0ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx timeout 0.0ms 5.8MB 4990ms 0ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0

Input: 4000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 2.rs 942ms 1.0ms 18.3MB 930ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
wasm 7.rs 954ms 2.8ms 49.9MB 937ms 10ms node 18.19.0
wasm 2.rs 963ms 1.3ms 49.4MB 953ms 3ms node 18.19.0
haxe 1.hx 988ms 15ms 5.1MB 973ms 0ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
wasm 7.rs 1251ms 3.1ms 18.2MB 1237ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
haxe 1.hx 2387ms 2.0ms 7.0MB 2377ms 0ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx timeout 0.0ms 5.8MB 4980ms 0ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0

Input: 2000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
wasm 2.rs 245ms 0.7ms 18.7MB 230ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
haxe 1.hx 259ms 10ms 5.2MB 247ms 0ms haxe/hl/c 4.3.3
wasm 7.rs 268ms 1.8ms 49.7MB 253ms 10ms node 18.19.0
wasm 2.rs 271ms 2.4ms 49.3MB 263ms 3ms node 18.19.0
wasm 7.rs 320ms 1.0ms 18.2MB 303ms 0ms wasmtime 17.0.0
haxe 1.hx 601ms 1.4ms 5.9MB 590ms 0ms haxe/cpp 4.3.3
haxe 1.hx 2301ms 9.1ms 5.8MB 2287ms 0ms haxe/hl/jit 1.14.0