All fannkuch-redux problem benchmarks

Current benchmark data was generated on Sat Nov 16 2024, full log can be found HERE


[x86_64][4 cores] AMD EPYC 7763 64-Core Processor (Model 1)

* -m in a file name stands for multi-threading or multi-processing

* -i in a file name stands for direct intrinsics usage. (Usage of simd intrinsics via libraries is not counted)

* -ffi in a file name stands for non-stdlib FFI usage

* (You may find time < time(user) + time(sys) for some non-parallelized programs, the overhead is from GC or JIT compiler, which are allowed to take advantage of multi-cores as that's more close to real-world scenarios.)


Input: 11

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
d 1-im.d 393ms 36ms 5.1MB 1413ms 0ms ldc2 1.39.0
cpp 1-im.cpp 403ms 8.3ms 4.5MB 1543ms 0ms g++ 11.4.0
cpp 1-im.cpp 405ms 7.4ms 7.9MB 1547ms 3ms clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1
rust 411ms 7.0ms 4.0MB 1563ms 0ms rustc 1.82.0
rust 575ms 3.2ms 4.0MB 2170ms 0ms rustc 1.82.0
rust 636ms 0.6ms 6.0MB 2410ms 0ms rustc 1.82.0
zig 2-m.zig 647ms 7.0ms 3.5MB 2430ms 0ms zig 0.13.0
go 3-m.go 722ms 0.7ms 5.6MB 2777ms 0ms go 1.23.3
java 883ms 4.1ms 100.1MB 3233ms 47ms graal/jvm 17.0.8
java 959ms 4.0ms 48.5MB 3550ms 30ms openjdk 21
java 977ms 6.4ms 50.1MB 3600ms 17ms openjdk 23
rust 994ms 4.8ms 6.0MB 3793ms 0ms rustc 1.82.0
java 1019ms 44ms 46.0MB 3303ms 137ms openjdk/zgc 21
d 2-im.d 1136ms 27ms 5.1MB 4287ms 0ms ldc2 1.39.0
d 1-i.d 1481ms 0.7ms 2.8MB 1467ms 0ms ldc2 1.39.0
rust 1492ms 0.6ms 1.9MB 1480ms 0ms rustc 1.82.0
rust 1785ms 3.5ms 1.8MB 1777ms 0ms rustc 1.82.0
zig 3-i.zig 1788ms 1.5ms 1.1MB 1780ms 0ms zig 0.13.0
v 1.v 2159ms 10ms 1.1MB 2147ms 0ms v/clang 0.4.8
v 1.v 2271ms 6.3ms 1.9MB 2260ms 0ms v/clang+gc 0.4.8
go 3.go 2276ms 4.9ms 50.2MB 2260ms 0ms tinygo 0.34.0
zig 2.zig 2455ms 43ms 1.1MB 2440ms 0ms zig 0.13.0
swift 1.swift 2465ms 1.7ms 8.3MB 2450ms 0ms swift 6.0.2
crystal 2479ms 10ms 3.0MB 2467ms 0ms crystal 1.14.0
rust 2696ms 3.0ms 1.8MB 2687ms 0ms rustc 1.82.0
zig 1.zig 2862ms 0.8ms 1.1MB 2850ms 0ms zig 0.13.0
dart 2.dart 2921ms 12ms 6.0MB 2910ms 0ms dart/exe 3.5.4
ocaml 2922ms 17ms 5.0MB 2910ms 0ms ocaml 5.2.0
d 1.d 3136ms 26ms 2.8MB 3123ms 0ms ldc2 1.39.0
d 2-i.d 3223ms 4.8ms 2.8MB 3210ms 0ms ldc2 1.39.0
d 1.d 3502ms 2.1ms 4.6MB 3490ms 0ms dmd 2.109.1
wasm 4102ms 7.9ms 18.8MB 4083ms 3ms wasmtime 25.0.3
d 1-im.d 4227ms 47ms 8.7MB 16457ms 0ms dmd 2.109.1
d 1-i.d timeout 0.0ms 4.5MB 4990ms 0ms dmd 2.109.1
d 2-i.d timeout 0.0ms 4.6MB 4990ms 0ms dmd 2.109.1
d 2-im.d timeout 0.0ms 6.8MB 19710ms 10ms dmd 2.109.1

Input: 10

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
rust 38ms 0.2ms 4.0MB 120ms 0ms rustc 1.82.0
d 1-im.d 40ms 2.1ms 4.9MB 110ms 0ms ldc2 1.39.0
cpp 1-im.cpp 42ms 1.0ms 5.9MB 123ms 0ms clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1
cpp 1-im.cpp 44ms 0.9ms 4.5MB 140ms 0ms g++ 11.4.0
rust 56ms 0.5ms 4.0MB 173ms 0ms rustc 1.82.0
rust 61ms 2.5ms 6.0MB 197ms 0ms rustc 1.82.0
zig 2-m.zig 63ms 0.3ms 3.6MB 190ms 0ms zig 0.13.0
go 3-m.go 75ms 0.2ms 5.5MB 207ms 0ms go 1.23.3
rust 89ms 2.0ms 4.0MB 303ms 0ms rustc 1.82.0
d 2-im.d 100ms 1.6ms 5.1MB 343ms 0ms ldc2 1.39.0
d 1-i.d 124ms 0.3ms 2.8MB 117ms 0ms ldc2 1.39.0
rust 125ms 0.2ms 1.9MB 113ms 0ms rustc 1.82.0
zig 3-i.zig 149ms 0.0ms 1.3MB 140ms 0ms zig 0.13.0
rust 151ms 0.2ms 1.8MB 140ms 0ms rustc 1.82.0
java 185ms 12ms 48.4MB 490ms 30ms openjdk 21
v 1.v 185ms 2.2ms 1.1MB 170ms 0ms v/clang 0.4.8
java 195ms 8.3ms 50.1MB 497ms 30ms openjdk 23
v 1.v 196ms 0.4ms 1.9MB 190ms 0ms v/clang+gc 0.4.8
java 198ms 13ms 102.1MB 540ms 43ms graal/jvm 17.0.8
zig 2.zig 201ms 5.1ms 1.1MB 193ms 0ms zig 0.13.0
crystal 206ms 2.2ms 3.0MB 190ms 0ms crystal 1.14.0
swift 1.swift 213ms 0.4ms 8.1MB 200ms 0ms swift 6.0.2
rust 228ms 2.5ms 1.8MB 217ms 0ms rustc 1.82.0
dart 2.dart 239ms 2.3ms 6.1MB 230ms 0ms dart/exe 3.5.4
zig 1.zig 241ms 0.5ms 1.1MB 230ms 0ms zig 0.13.0
ocaml 246ms 1.5ms 5.0MB 233ms 0ms ocaml 5.2.0
d 1.d 264ms 4.4ms 2.8MB 253ms 0ms ldc2 1.39.0
d 2-i.d 267ms 1.0ms 2.9MB 253ms 0ms ldc2 1.39.0
d 1.d 296ms 2.1ms 4.6MB 287ms 0ms dmd 2.109.1
java 300ms 5.1ms 45.9MB 493ms 137ms openjdk/zgc 21
wasm 351ms 3.0ms 20.3MB 333ms 0ms wasmtime 25.0.3
d 1-im.d 355ms 4.0ms 6.9MB 1340ms 0ms dmd 2.109.1
go 3.go 488ms 2.3ms 50.1MB 473ms 0ms tinygo 0.34.0
d 2-im.d 531ms 2.2ms 8.8MB 1990ms 0ms dmd 2.109.1
d 1-i.d 863ms 34ms 4.5MB 853ms 0ms dmd 2.109.1
d 2-i.d 1415ms 9.9ms 4.5MB 1403ms 0ms dmd 2.109.1