C++ VS Python benchmarks

Current benchmark data was generated on Tue Dec 31 2024, full log can be found HERE


[x86_64][4 cores] AMD EPYC 7763 64-Core Processor (Model 1)

* -m in a file name stands for multi-threading or multi-processing

* -i in a file name stands for direct intrinsics usage. (Usage of simd intrinsics via libraries is not counted)

* -ffi in a file name stands for non-stdlib FFI usage

* (You may find time < time(user) + time(sys) for some non-parallelized programs, the overhead is from GC or JIT compiler, which are allowed to take advantage of multi-cores as that's more close to real-world scenarios.)


Input: 11

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
cpp 1-im.cpp 383ms 1.6ms 4.7MB 1463ms 0ms g++ 11.4.0
cpp 1-im.cpp 396ms 27ms 8.0MB 1473ms 3ms clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1

Input: 10

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
cpp 1-im.cpp 40ms 0.7ms 7.9MB 120ms 0ms clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1
cpp 1-im.cpp 40ms 0.7ms 4.5MB 133ms 0ms g++ 11.4.0


Input: QwQ

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
cpp 1.cpp 1.0ms 0.1ms 1.4MB 0ms 0ms g++ 11.4.0
cpp 1.cpp 1.8ms 1.0ms 2.1MB 0ms 0ms clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1
python 1.py 11ms 0.8ms 7.6MB 0ms 0ms pyston 3.8.12
python 1.py 13ms 1.3ms 8.5MB 10ms 0ms cpython 3.13.1
python 1.py 26ms 0.9ms 51.0MB 8ms 8ms pypy 3.10.14


Input: 5000000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
cpp 0-i.cpp 158ms 1.3ms 1.5MB 150ms 0ms g++ 11.4.0
cpp 0-i.cpp 168ms 2.5ms 2.3MB 160ms 0ms clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1
cpp 1.cpp 294ms 0.7ms 1.8MB 280ms 0ms g++ 11.4.0
cpp 1.cpp 298ms 3.2ms 2.3MB 287ms 0ms clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1
python 2.py 1278ms 0.7ms 59.8MB 1253ms 10ms pypy 3.10.14
python 1.py 2492ms 13ms 56.6MB 2467ms 10ms pypy 3.10.14
python 1.py timeout 0.0ms 8.6MB 4983ms 0ms cpython 3.13.1
python 2.py timeout 0.0ms 8.8MB 4987ms 0ms cpython 3.13.1
python 1.py timeout 0.0ms 8.3MB 4987ms 0ms pyston 3.8.12
python 2.py timeout 0.0ms 8.1MB 4990ms 0ms pyston 3.8.12

Input: 500000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
cpp 0-i.cpp 17ms 0.2ms 1.5MB 10ms 0ms g++ 11.4.0
cpp 0-i.cpp 18ms 0.1ms 2.3MB 10ms 0ms clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1
cpp 1.cpp 32ms 0.4ms 1.8MB 20ms 0ms g++ 11.4.0
cpp 1.cpp 33ms 0.7ms 2.3MB 23ms 0ms clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1
python 2.py 165ms 1.2ms 57.8MB 143ms 10ms pypy 3.10.14
python 1.py 284ms 2.2ms 56.6MB 267ms 3ms pypy 3.10.14
python 1.py 892ms 9.1ms 8.3MB 883ms 0ms pyston 3.8.12
python 2.py 1234ms 13ms 8.3MB 1220ms 0ms pyston 3.8.12
python 1.py 2829ms 9.3ms 8.8MB 2813ms 0ms cpython 3.13.1
python 2.py 3043ms 23ms 8.8MB 3030ms 0ms cpython 3.13.1


Input: 12

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
cpp 1.cpp 463ms 15ms 7.3MB 447ms 0ms g++ 11.4.0
cpp 1.cpp 499ms 2.6ms 7.7MB 487ms 0ms clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1
python 1.py 2328ms 43ms 369.1MB 2263ms 47ms pypy 3.10.14
python 2.py 2768ms 15ms 632.9MB 2590ms 163ms pyston 3.8.12
python 1.py 4623ms 31ms 320.4MB 4567ms 40ms pyston 3.8.12
python 1.py timeout 0.0ms 321.1MB 4953ms 27ms cpython 3.13.1
python 2.py timeout 0.0ms 633.5MB 4813ms 170ms cpython 3.13.1
python 2.py timeout 0.0ms 959.3MB 4743ms 243ms pypy 3.10.14

Input: 10

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
cpp 1.cpp 113ms 2.5ms 3.6MB 100ms 0ms g++ 11.4.0
cpp 1.cpp 125ms 0.9ms 4.0MB 113ms 0ms clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1
python 1.py 497ms 14ms 134.7MB 467ms 17ms pypy 3.10.14
python 2.py 679ms 22ms 164.2MB 630ms 30ms pyston 3.8.12
python 1.py 1022ms 10ms 86.0MB 1000ms 3ms pyston 3.8.12
python 2.py 1327ms 14ms 164.8MB 1283ms 27ms cpython 3.13.1
python 2.py 1463ms 8.1ms 289.7MB 1363ms 80ms pypy 3.10.14
python 1.py 2501ms 11ms 86.9MB 2473ms 10ms cpython 3.13.1


Input: 8000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
cpp 8-m.cpp 458ms 3.4ms 4.2MB 1780ms 0ms g++ 11.4.0
cpp 8-m.cpp 459ms 22ms 7.3MB 1757ms 0ms clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1
cpp 6-im.cpp 876ms 7.8ms 7.4MB 3420ms 0ms clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1
cpp 6-im.cpp 885ms 20ms 4.2MB 3437ms 3ms g++ 11.4.0
python 8.py timeout 0.0ms 16.7MB 43ms 13ms cpython 3.13.1
python 8.py timeout 0.0ms 99.4MB 790ms 163ms pypy 3.10.14
python 8.py timeout 0.0ms 16.5MB 67ms 20ms pyston 3.8.12

Input: 4000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
cpp 8-m.cpp 118ms 1.8ms 7.4MB 433ms 0ms clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1
cpp 8-m.cpp 126ms 5.2ms 4.1MB 463ms 0ms g++ 11.4.0
cpp 6-im.cpp 225ms 2.6ms 7.4MB 847ms 0ms clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1
cpp 6-im.cpp 226ms 2.7ms 4.1MB 857ms 0ms g++ 11.4.0
python 8.py timeout 0.0ms 16.5MB 87ms 20ms cpython 3.13.1
python 8.py timeout 0.0ms 100.4MB 1460ms 480ms pypy 3.10.14
python 8.py timeout 0.0ms 15.6MB 147ms 37ms pyston 3.8.12

Input: 2000

lang code time stddev peak-mem mem time(user) time(sys) compiler compiler/runtime
cpp 8-m.cpp 37ms 0.9ms 4.0MB 117ms 0ms g++ 11.4.0
cpp 8-m.cpp 42ms 11ms 7.4MB 117ms 0ms clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1
cpp 6-im.cpp 64ms 1.6ms 7.3MB 210ms 0ms clang++ 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1
cpp 6-im.cpp 64ms 0.1ms 4.0MB 227ms 0ms g++ 11.4.0
python 8-m.py 1880ms 5.8ms 95.0MB 6000ms 323ms pypy 3.10.14
python 8.py timeout 0.0ms 16.2MB 233ms 33ms cpython 3.13.1
python 8.py timeout 0.0ms 17.2MB 440ms 127ms pyston 3.8.12